Via een pers conferentie heeft Europa Park details onthult van hun plannen voor een waterpark, welke bij het bestaande resort gaat horen, maar niet direct naast het bestaande pretpark en hotels komt te liggen.
General facts:
– in development for 3 years now, but the idea has been around for 10 years
– at 33 ha (82 acres), it will be the biggest in Europe, and one of the biggest in the world
– inspired by international parks such as “Siam Park” (Tenerife) and “Great Wolf Lodge” (Wisconsin), but also local parks like “Titisee” en “Erding”
– polls have shown the guests want slides, not wellness
– there will be a lazy river, slides of every kind and lots of them, water playground, waterfalls, surf simulator
– no olympic pool
– between 400,000 and 600,000 visitors a year
– construction will take 18 to 24 months
– cost of “triple digit” millions euro, no state subsidies
indoor area:
– divided in themed areas, no common tropical heme
– will be open year-round
– will have a restaurant
– up to 5,000 guests a day
outdoor area:
– wave pool, beach area, slides, gardens
– open from June to September
– up to 3,000 guests
other facts:
– the park will be built on the other side of town, a bus line will connect the current park and the hotels
– guests currently stay an average of 1.2 nights, the park hopes to raise this to 1.8 nights
– a 6th hotel is in planning stages, will be built right after the waterpark
Bron: https://www.badische-zeitung.de/live-ticker-der-europa-park-stellt-wasserpark-plaene-vor
Een verder bericht: https://www.badische-zeitung.de/nachrichten/suedwest/europa-park-gibt-erste-details-zu-wasserpark-bei-rust-bekannt