London Resort houd publiekelijke consultatie

In het Verenigd Koninkrijk is het een verplichting voor een nieuw project om een locale consultatie en publieke consultatie te doen, waarna uiteindelijk een vergunning komt. Zolang het project beide niet hebben zal er geen vergunning komen en bestaat de kans dat het project geen werkelijkheid zal gaan worden.
Ook voor The London Resort is dit van toepassing. En omdatdit project bekend staat als een “Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project”, betekend dit dat ze meer consultaties moeten doen dan een normaal project omdat het zoveel invloed heeft op de omgeving.

London Resort Newsletter: Public Consultation Launch

Public Consultation – 27 July 2020 – 21 September 2020
The London Resort is a world-class, sustainable, next generation entertainment resort proposed to be developed on the Swanscombe Peninsula, near the banks of the River Thames in north Kent, with supporting transport facilities on the northern side of the River in Tilbury, Thurrock.

We are now consulting on our proposals. We are seeking feedback on our evolved Masterplan, our transport strategy, our approach to sustainability and to minimising the adverse impacts of the scheme. In this newsletter you’ll find details of how to get involved.

A message from our CEO, PY Gerbeau
Welcome to the London Resort consultation
“The London Resort represents a unique opportunity to bring a thrilling and exciting global entertainment destination to the UK with a breadth of facilities. It will generate multi-billion-pound investment, thousands of jobs, and will transform a largely brownfield site into one of the most exciting entertainment destinations in the world.

“We have listened, analysed and considered all the feedback given to us through extensive consultations. Sustainability is at the core of our vision and we continue to explore new and innovative ways of integrating sustainable and low-carbon principles into every area of design and operation of the Resort.”
Have Your Say
Responding to our consultation
Visit our consultation website and our virtual exhibition room to find out more, view all consultation materials and complete our online response form.

We are holding a series of webinar events on selected lunchtimes and evenings throughout the consultation period. Members of the project team will present proposals and will be happy to answer questions. Dates and times of webinars are published here on our website.

You must submit your response to consultation by 11.59pm on Monday 21 September 2020. We cannot guarantee responses submitted after that date will be received

If you have any questions about the consultation, or would like to order copies of materials, you can contact us by:

Telephone: 0800 470 0043 or Email:

You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter @londonresort to stay up to date on consultation.


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